Saturday, 23 August 2014

Only two weeks to go.......

Well, it's been another busy week with lots to do to get ready for our trip, work to go to (although I officially retired from my job as a nurse manager I'm still lucky enough to be able to work on a casual basis at my previous place of work - it all helps to fund our travelling!) I had a bit of a wobble......
I discovered that the credit card we use expires in September - whilst we are away! With a bit of research I have found the Post Office card to be the best credit card to use in Europe because they don't charge a foreign transaction charge when you use it, it also has a good exchange rate, so we use it for all our major purchases like diesel, campsite fees, meals out and food shopping.
Anyway I phoned the credit card company and they assured me that a new card is on it's way. Phew!
When planning an extended trip abroad there is a lot to think about from vehicle documents to paying bills and also making sure your house is secure. Luckily we have house-sitters for this trip so I know our home will be looked after.

For getting across the channel we like to use Eurotunnel for a number of reasons. The main reason is we don't pay! I save up all my Tesco Clubcard vouchers and use them to pay for our crossing. We also like the simplicity and efficiency  of using the tunnel, it definitely takes less time and you don't run the risk of a rough crossing! For our trip to Spain in May we sailed on the 24 hour crossing from Portsmouth to Santander which was a great way to start our holiday and luckily the Bay of Biscay was calm, we even saw dolphins alongside the ship which was exciting!
That's it for now, but my head is full of things to tell you about so I'll be back soon!

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Hello and welcome to my Travel Blog.
I suppose we better begin with some introductions - my name is Angela and this blog is about my travels across Europe with hubby Keith in our Motorhome - The Gloombuster! (Actually it's Gloombuster2 really cos as you will see Gloombuster is brand spanking new! But Gloombuster2 doesn't sound quite the same.....)

We have been motorhomers for many years, our first vehicle was a Type 2 VW camper back in the early eighties and now we have our 4th motorhome and wouldn't have it any other way.
We are now both retired (well mostly but I'll tell you more about that later), but still young enough to enjoy the traveling life, with time to stay a little longer in the places we really like.
We're now getting ready for a 2 month trip across Europe with Croatia being our ultimate destination. We have booked our crossing on the Eurotunnel on Sunday 7th September we have a few ideas about the route, our ACSI and Camping Cheque campsite books  ready and that's it - we go! I do get a lot of people ask if we book our sites before we go, but that takes away the spontaneity of the trip so we just have a rough idea of where are heading, find a campsite or Camperstop at the place we think looks good and turn up! It's usually works very well.
So far on our travels we have toured the UK, France, Spain and Portugal, so venturing south-east across Europe is going to be a new experience for us.
That's it for now - my very first blog post! 
Over the next few weeks I will be sharing with you our preparation ( how many toilet rolls to take and other such delightful details!!!) and then our journey across the continent.
As a blogging newbie I would love to hear from you with feedback about my blog and do ask me any questions or offer suggestions about what you might like to know
Speak to you again soon! Angie