Thursday, 11 September 2014

Germany and all roads lead to Ausfarht.....

Well dear readers I have to say that I'm not finding blogging as easy as I thought it would be! It's the technology you see, if only I could get my IPad (Apple) and my phone (android) to share photos it would make my life easier. I use Google+ for photo sharing which should work in theory but I have 2 accounts with Google+ , one account for the me at home and one for the travelling me! Trouble is it now thinks I have some kind of split personality.
I also encountered the problem with 'unexpected' data roaming charges. I thought I was so clever buying my little Mobile Wifi device and locating a SIM card from a company promising the best rates for roaming in Europe, USA & Canada, having been charged 70€ for a single days' use I feel pretty sick! I have been in touch with Roamline and they wondered if maybe I created a Wifi hotspot (whilst I was stuck in the traffic on the Belgian motorway) and this may account for the high usage. Sadly they didn't offer any kind of refund...
Ah well, lesson learned, I think everyone knows to turn off their data roaming on their phone when you're abroad but when using other devices it's best to really understand the charges - 0.20€ per mb sounds reasonable doesn't it?

So,a little update on where we are now and the curious title of my blog...
After 3 nights in Luxembourg we are heading to the Black Forest area of Germany. It was with great delight we filled up with diesel this morning in Luxembourg at 1.18€ a litre, that's under £1 a litre - Yipee!! Not much else to say about Luxembourg that I didn't say in my last post!
We kind of expected the German autobahns to be fast and smooth but sadly all we encountered were frequent roadworks and contra flow systems, still, the Belgian roads won the prize for terrible road surfaces and congestion, we were glad to escape!
When we first joined the German motorway I saw a number of slip roads leading to the town of Ausfahrt, but then it seemed odd that ALL roads off the motorway lead to this town, then the penny dropped and we realised that Ausfarht is the German word for 'Exit' on the motorway. Apparently I'm not the first to think it's all a bit strange as you can even buy a "All roads lead to Ausfarht" Tshirt!
Grand designs Luxembourg style!
As I write it's torrential rain so I suspect we may not spend too long waiting for the clouds to disperse but head on to Croatia and hopefully some sunshine
I promise I will have more photos for you soon, any suggestions would be helpful!!

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