Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Cycling on the moon....

After a peaceful night on the Aire in Mula, we headed off on our bikes to cycle on the Via Verde in the other direction - towards Murcia. Once the trail left the town we headed out into what's known as the Badlands - the surrounding terrain like a lunar landscape. 

Even so there were small towns along our route for us to get our cup of coffee and sit and take in the Spanish atmosphere, one cafe was called the Via Verde Bar!

The trail turned from tarmac to rough gravel track so we were glad of our trail bikes with shock absorbers as we bumped our way up and down a few hills. We had more company on the trail probably because it was Saturday, we even met another English couple doing the same as us and staying in their motorhome on the Aire. 

We both really liked the wide open spaces of the terrain and agreed that this Via Verde was one of our favourites for scenery. 

So, just a short blog for today, we're on a campsite with Internet just now so I'll be back soon!

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